Embracing the plant-based lifestyle in Malaysia

Tag: breakfast

Ciku Choc Shake

Ciku Choc Shake

Throughout the course of blogging I have realized how much of the things I like, from music to food, have been picked up by my mum. Wherever there was a conflict of interest, she made sure that got ironed out; with the superpowers only mothers…

Kaya (Coconut Jam)

Kaya (Coconut Jam)

Kaya has got to be one of my most favourite jams, EVER.  Super rich and creamy, with a base of eggs and coconut milk, it’s part of a common breakfast here in Malaysia, typically served with Roti Bakar (‘Grilled Bread’ in Bahasa). Enjoying this indulgent…

Simple Energy Bars

Simple Energy Bars

One of the first things I used the oven for as a plant-based eater was energy bars. A lot better to make your own in my opinion, as a lot of the bars you find in grocery stores are ridiculously sweet, are gone in two…

Macadamia Rose Granola

Macadamia Rose Granola

The dilemma I have with macadamias is that I yearn to afford them at any given time… And when I CAN afford one and buy a bag, I feel so sore about eating them because they are so expensive! I had small bag of macadamias…